. Different Accidents Involving Tractor-Trailer Trucks - Omgblog

Different Accidents Involving Tractor-Trailer Trucks

Truck drivers must use extreme caution when making a turn. If you see a large truck swerving, fishtailing, or drifting, it is a sign that the driver is losing control of their vehicle. Trucks have far greater blind areas than regular passenger cars. Side-impact accidents can be catastrophic.

Tire Blowouts

Trucks spend hours driving nationwide on interstates and local byways, and their tires take a beating. This wear and tear can cause tire failures, including blowouts. Blowouts occur when the air pressure in a tire suddenly and rapidly dissipates, producing a loud noise and a flapping or swaying motion that can throw the driver off balance. A truck driver may also experience a rear-end collision with another vehicle or a side crash when the truck turns too sharply, crossing over lanes of traffic. These accidents are often caused by overloaded trucks, causing cargo to shift or become unbalanced.

Truck drivers who are speeding, distracted, tired, or intoxicated frequently cause T-bone crashes. A truck can also flip or roll over when the driver takes a turn too quickly or drives too fast for conditions. These issues can put other vehicles in danger of being smashed underneath the truck or crushed by a trailer that collapses from the weight of the load. Speak with a tractor trailer injury attorneyfor assistance with the claims and trial process if you were hurt in a truck accident.

Rollover Accidents

Trucks need much more time and distance to stop than passenger vehicles. Due to this, a truck can easily slam into cars in front of it when drivers change lanes too quickly or fail to yield. This type of accident is known as a T-bone crash. Trucks may also roll over or jackknife if the driver attempts to maneuver or brake too fast. Many trucks transport fluids like gas and oil. These trucks are designed to hold a certain amount of liquid before it is full. If a truck is partially filled, the fluids can wallow and cause the vehicle to sway back and forth with turns or modifications in speed. Most of the fatal truck rollover accidents are single-vehicle crashes. These collisions can be brought on by several things, such as speeding, texting while driving, swerving suddenly to avoid obstacles in the road, or navigating a curve. These accidents can be especially deadly when occupants are not restrained cti signages properly.

Jackknife Accidents

Large commercial trucks are less maneuverable than passenger vehicles. When a truck driver must quickly turn or stop, the trailer may swing out of control and jackknife onto itself. It can block the entire road. Usually, a tractor’s trailer will skid and come to a 90-degree angle with the cab, causing a jackknife catastrophe. This type of collision is more common in high-speed areas like freeways. One common reason for a jackknife accident is when a truck driver brakes too hard or suddenly on a curved roadway. A typical passenger car can easily manage a slight variation in the road’s curvature, but large trucks need more room to change direction quickly. The braking system in semi-trucks requires careful monitoring and maintenance. Improper maintenance, such as missing or worn-out brakes, can increase a truck’s risk of an accident. Due to their lengthy shifts, truck drivers are more likely to become disoriented and should pay constant attention to the road before ssis 816 them.

Underride Accidents

Truck accidents that involve underride or override of passenger vehicles can be some of the most catastrophic and terrifying. These crashes happen when a smaller car slams into the side or rear of a large truck, with the vehicle becoming lodged underneath the trailer. These accidents are incredibly dangerous because they can crush or otherwise injure the smaller vehicle’s occupants. These types of accidents are extremely difficult to prevent. Trucks require more time than passenger cars to come to a stop. Poor weather conditions like ice, snow, fog or rain can also reduce the truck driver’s visibility, increasing the crash risk.

In addition, truck drivers must account for larger turning radiuses when changing lanes or turning. These maneuvers can cause head-on and side-impact collisions with other vehicles on the road. 


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