
Who is Eric Weinberger Wife? A Look – A Smart Introduction

There are many famous Authors and Publishers in the world that have become popular due to their good work. They wrote many books, stories, and articles on different topics high risk merchant highriskpay.com.

 Authors and publishers use their imagination and knowledge to create interesting content for readers. Eric Weinberger Wife is also an excellent author and publisher. Now I’ll tell you about this amazing personality.

 The Eric Weinberger Wife:

She is a beautiful and talented lady. She was born in Milford on 29th March 1918. Her full name was Rebecca Eric Weinberger Wife. Eric Weinberger Wife was an American Author and publisher. She wrote many books during her career for children and adults.

Her books are full of knowledge for people. Her books have interesting content for readers. She spent a lot of part of her life in the service of poor people. She loved a child, that’s why she wrote many books for children.

Some Information About Her Early Life:

 The great author Rebecca Eric Weinberger Wife belongs to a good family. She went to the University of Mine and then studied nursing at the Somerville Hospital School in Massachusetts.

 She was an intelligent student. She always worked hard to achieve her aims. After completing her studies in school, she became a nursing instructor. Then she joined the U.S. government to help during emergencies.

When World War 2 started, she became a nurse in the U.S Army. She performed her duty to patients. During this period she met her future husband, who was also in the army.

Something Interesting About Her Husband Caspar Weinberger:

Her husband Caspar Willard Weinberger was an American politician. He was also a good businessman. He was also a member of the California State Assembly. She encouraged her husband to get involved in politics and supported him as a loyal wife in Washington during the Republican administration omgblog.

He got many awards. He got the President’s Medal of Freedom in 1987.  Her husband Weinberger died in 2006. At that time he was 88 years old. He was survived by his family.

About her Marriage Life:   

They spent a happy marriage life with each other. Caspar Weinberger loves her wife. They met while traveling on the same ship to Australia in 1942. Their marriage took place in Sydney, Australia, in 1942.

 They have two children (One Son and one Daughter) and live a happy life. Her son’s name is Caspar Weinberger and her daughter’s name is Arlin Weinberger.

 Her marriage life was awesome. Both of her children have a good personality. Her daughter is a beautiful and nice girl

About Her Career:

She started Windswept House, her publishing company, in Mount Desert, Maine, during Ronald Reagan’s time as president when her husband was the secretary of defense.

She published many children books for children. Mrs. Weinberger wrote herself but later grew the press to include books for adults and work by another author.

She also wrote many books which include Vim, a Very Important Mouse, That Dog, Mrs. Witherspoon’s Eagles, and many more. She also ran a company from her home.

 Mrs. Weinberger was involved in many other charitable causes. She also served as the chairwoman of the Flogger Shakespeare Library in Washington. She was on the boards of Amherst College and the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine.

Conduct Scholarship For Students:

Weinberger and her husband started a scholarship for students at Mount Desert Island High School who are studying vocational programs. Both husband and wife worked hard for the study of poor students. They also worked for talented students. Mrs. Weinberger is also a social worker and helps needy people.

Mrs. Weinberger Work as an Author:

Eric Weinberger Wife started writing and sharing her work when Ronald Reagan was the president for the first time. Her husband was working as the Defense Secretary at that time. She worked as an author for a long time.

She founded the publishing company (Windswept House). This company has published more than 120 books, a lot of them aimed at young people. Windswept House published many children’s books. The author of these books was Eric Weinberger Wife.

Her Advance Years:

 She was a uterine cancer survivor. After facing health issues, Mrs. Weinberger had a stroke in July 2009. She was a nice lady.

 Eric Weinberger Wife passed away at a nursing care facility in Bar Harbor, on 12th July 2009. At that time her age was 91. People remember her in golden words. Her ashes were spread in the garden of her home in Somerville. She is survived by her children.


Eric Weinberger Wife was a great lady and she spent a lot of time in the service of people. Her books have amazing contents and these books are very beneficial for people. She worked hard for the grooming of children. We should learn from her books to increase our knowledge.


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